Frank Li

Jiaqi Li 李嘉淇


Hello, Hello, Hello!

Welcome to my website!

Before I entered the college, I have started to think about having a personal website to record me. Because during the application season, I found out that I have, literally, nothing to talk about my life (even though it has only been 19 years), which is ... pretty upset.

Actually, even after about 2 years of college life, it is still really really hard for me to tell who I am, what I have experienced, what is my future dream blah blah blah. Thus, this website can provide me a chance to force me to dig a little bit more on me, Jiaqi Li (or Frank Li).

In this case, I splited this website into multiple sections: in "About Me", I would try my best to talk about who I am; and in "Contact Me", I listed ways of contacting me. You may see that there is totally NO part about my academic experience (which is pretty weird). Those are on another site 'cause I really want to make this site casual. Thus, visit everything lightly and enjoy!

Frank Li